How is the Hub funded?
The WCHC Hub is funded as part of a joint initiative by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) called the “National Women’s Health Research Initiative.” The initiative itself aims to increase visibility and identity and address gaps in women’s health research.
The WCHC Hub is funded by the Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition within this larger initiative, which is a collection of hubs spanning across Canada which each aim to optimize women’s health in research and practice.
Our Collaborators and Supporters
The WCHC Hub is proud to be supported by and actively work with so many change-makers across the fields of women’s health and health research, HIV and AIDS, STBBIs, African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) women’s care, Indigenous women’s care, trans and gender diverse
care, as well as multiple academic institutions.
Click on each of the logos below to see the work that they are doing to support women and gender diverse people living with HIV.